Year: 2023

Health – FBI Unit, Personality & The Brain – Pro/Legend

Hey guys! I’m Shaheen and today I’ll be sharing my personality test

  • What did the personality test say about you? Do you agree?
    I did the test and it said that I’m a virtuoso. I can agree somewhat with what it means but some of it was incorrect,
    I was surprised how it got some of the stuff correct.
  • What is the main difference between a non-psychopath and a psychopath brain?



Virtual Escape Reflection

So, today me and my team tried this virtual escape room thingy. It was kinda cool, but also had some ups and downs. The whole thing was super complicated, and we got stuck on this one part where we had to open some suitcase. But then, out of nowhere, someone else solved it! Ugh, that was so annoying. And to top it all off, one team was spamming hints left and right, which made the rest of us fall behind. But, all in all, it was still a pretty fun game. I reckon I could do better next time though. Just gotta focus a bit more, ya know? So yeah, I’d give this escape room a solid 6 out of 10.

Pringle Can Constellations

Aim: To learn about some different constellations in the sky.


Research: Constellations video.



  1. Eat the can of Pringles
  2. Choose a constellation and cut it out.
  3. Pole holes where the dots are.
  4. Put it over the bottom of the can, so that the printing is against the can.
  5. Poke holes through the bottom of the can.
  6. Shine a light through the can to project the constellation on a wall.
    1. OR, look through the tube to see the star constellation.


Results: Attach a picture of your Pringles can constellation viewer.

How to sleep better

A lot of teens have been suffering from bad sleep, which affects their school work, school life


here is some info to help: Behavioural tips:

Get up if you are unable to sleep after 20 minutes of lying down

leave your bed do some reading listen to some music something mindful


Routine is key: go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time

try to keep a consistent routine across the week and weekend you’ll gradually start to feel tired around the time you sleep if you keep a routine.


The Ways Of Good Sleep

It could be beneficial for your health to reduce your screen time as it can help you fall asleep faster. Engaging in meditation can also be helpful, as it has been shown to play a crucial role in promoting restful sleep. By relaxing your body and calming your mind, meditation can help you achieve a state of inner peace and tranquility that can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.


Finding South

Title: Finding South


Aim: To understand and remember how to find the South Celestial Pole.




Research Questions: 

  1. What does Circumpolar mean?
  2. What is the name of the two stars that point at the Southern Cross?
    1. What are the names of these two individual stars?
    2. How far away from Earth is the brighter star?
  3. What are the names of the stars in the Southern Cross?
    1. What is the name of the 5th star in the Southern Cross, which is on the Australian flag?




  1. Draw an imaginary line from the top of the cross to the bottom and extend it 4.5 times.

Results: Attach a photo of your Starmap with your chosen method drawn on it.




  1. Which method of finding the Southern Celestial Pole do you think would be the easiest to remember, and therefore use outside?
  2. Use to find the Pointers and Southern Cross, and then calculate where the Southern Celestial Pole is.
  3. For Wairarapa Māori, the Southern Cross is called Māhutonga. This is a compound word: Māhu and tonga. What do those two words directly translate into English? Why is that a good name for the Southern Cross?
  4. For Tainui Māori, the Southern Cross is called Te Punga. What does that translate into English? Why is that a good name for the Southern Cross?
  5. What are the constellations which are the prow and stern of the Waka? HINT
  6. Why is the Milky Way called Māngōroa? HINT


  1. Draw an imaginary line from the top of the cross to the bottom.
  2. Done
  3. Te Pae Māhutonga is the name for the constellation of stars popularly referred to as the Southern Cross. It is visible low in the night sky and identifies the magnetic South Pole. Te Pae Māhutonga has long been used as a navigational aid and is closely associated with the discovery of Aotearoa and then New Zealand.
  4. For Tainui Māori, the Southern Cross is called Te Punga. What does that translate into English? Why is that a good name for the Southern Cross?
  5. Many of the sights that are visible from the northern hemisphere can also be seen from New Zealand. The constellations of Orion and Scorpius are prominent at certain times of the year. However, New Zealand is too far south to see Polaris, the pole star, or the Great Bear (Ursa Major).
  6. To Māori, the diety Māui caught Te Māngōroa (shark) and threw it into the sky where it formed the Milky Way galaxy. In another version: Tāne Mahuta was the god of the forest and the trees and all the creatures. He was also in charge of putting the family of light, Te Whānau Mārama, into the sky.

Australian Aboriginal Story of the Southern Cross


The Southern Cross in most stories is connected with a story of the first man to die on Earth. The common theme of stories from all the Kamilaroi and neighbours is that during the Creation time, two men and a woman came from the red country, and had been shown which plants they could eat. There was a big drought, and becoming hungry, one man killed a wallaby. The other man said he should not do that, as he didn’t know the law of the wallaby totem. That man left the man and woman, who ate the wallaby. The one who didn’t came to a big yarran (gum) tree, where he lay down and died. A spirit saw that he didn’t break the law, and put him in the hollow of the tree, and then lifted the tree into the sky, followed by two cockatoos (who were roosting in the tree). The tree was placed in the Southern Cross, where it faded so that only the eyes of the man and the spirit could be seen. The two cockatoos still fly after the Southern Cross and are the two Pointer stars. 16 For Euahlayi, the tree is a gulabaa (coolabah), and for the Ngemba, a nguu (tea-tree). The Euahlayi say that when Baiame finished creating at Lake Eyre, he and his wives went south to the Southern Cross, which is a dead coolabah tree, where they camped on the way to Bulimah. Down here, we’re looking up at the black hole on the side of the Southern Cross (the Coalsack); that’s the hollow of the coolabah tree. Go up the hollow tree, and when you come out the other side you’re home (Bulimah), all the people are there. 


Figure 11 Southern Cross, Pointers and Coalsack



Things that you can do before sleep:

reading a book


listen to music, podcast


You generally need less sleep as you age, as a teen you need slightly more sleep than adults

Are teens just lazy?

Teens tend to go to bed later and wake up later, this is biologically driven by a shift forward in their circadian rhythm the internal body clock that guides daily sleep-wake cycles

Positives of sleep:

Your brain grows ( improved memory ), good mental health, recovery

negatives about not getting enough sleep: bad mental health, short-tempered, tired, depressed





Building a Sundials

Aim: To build a sundial.


Research: Video



  1. Cut around the outer edge of the Sundial diagram.
  2. Fold the centre vertical line up, and the 2 True South lines down to create a triangle (called the Gnomon) that stands vertically from the horizontal paper sundial face.
  3. Ensure the Gnomon stands vertically, at right angles to the sundial face.
  4. Place the Sundial flat and level, with the Gnomon (triangle) pointing toward the True South for the Southern hemisphere.





A. The needle on the compass points to Magnetic North. Is that the same as the North Pole (Geographic North)? What is the difference? 


B. The Earth spins once every 24 hours (one day). This makes it look like the sun is travelling across the sky. How many degrees does the sun travel each hour? 


C. On our sundial, when it’s pointed True South, it will indicate that it is 12 noon when the Sun is highest in the sky. Is that correct?


D. If it’s not true, what time is Solar Noon today?


E. Does the sun rise at the same time every day? If not, why not?


F. Why do we have daylight savings in NZ?


G. We use Greenwich Mean Time to arrange the time zones around the World. Which country was the first to have a standardised time? And why?


A. A compass that uses magnets does not point towards the geographic North Pole.

B. The Sun stays at an angle of about 23.5° above the horizon throughout the day as it moves in a circular path. In 24 hours it completes a full circle of 360° which means it moves 15° every hour.

C. When the midday sun climbs highest, the sundial reads 12 noon and your local clock says 12 noon.

D. In most places on Earth, solar noon does not happen at 12 o’clock

E. The combination of Earth’s elliptical orbit and the tilt of its axis results in the Sun taking different paths across the sky at slightly different speeds each day.

F. longer summer evenings would mean fewer lights needing to be switched o

G. the USA had already chosen Greenwich as the basis for its own national time zone system.



Cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world, with a massive following in countries including England, India, Australia, Pakistan, South Africa, the Caribbean, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and New Zealand.

Cricket is an exciting sport that involves two teams of 11 players each, with the aim to either score as many runs as possible or bowl out the opposing team. The game takes place on a field with a pitch at the center, and the two teams take turns to bat or bowl. The batters use their bats to hit the ball, and the fielders try to catch or dismiss the batsmen.

Cricket has three main formats:

  1. Test cricket is the longest and oldest form of the game, with matches usually lasting up to five days. The game is characterized by tactical battles, where the result can often be determined on the final day.
  2. One-Day International (ODI) cricket is a one-day affair, where each side gets one innings and is restricted to a certain number of overs.
  3. Twenty20 (T20) cricket is a fast-paced and exciting format of the game, where each side gets one innings of 20 overs.

Cricket is not just a sport, but also a culture. The game has a rich history, and each country has its own unique style and approach to the game. The sport is also known for its fierce rivalries, with matches between rivals like Australia-England and India-Pakistan being some of the most anticipated events in the cricket calendar.

Cricket has a number of international tournaments, including the ODI World Cup, the T20 World Cup, the ICC World Test Championship, the Commonwealth Games, and the Champions Trophy. These tournaments are held on a regular basis, and the winners are crowned as world champions.

Cricket is a highly technical game, and players must be physically fit, possess excellent hand-eye coordination, and have a strong understanding of the rules and tactics of the game. The sport is also known for being a team game, where players have to work together and rely on each other to achieve success.

Overall, cricket is a highly engaging and exciting sport that is loved by billions of fans worldwide. The sport has a rich history, is full of colorful characters, and is filled with unpredictable moments that keep fans on the edge of their seats. Cricket is not just a sport, but a culture and

How can humans save help our ocean

Here are some ways humans can help save our oceans:

  1. Reduce plastic waste: The majority of plastic waste in the oceans comes from land. We can all be aware of our own consumption and reduce our use of single-use plastics like plastic bags and straws.
  2. Support sustainable fishing practices: Overfishing and bottom trawling damage marine habitats. We can buy seafood from sustainable sources.
  3. Avoid buying products containing marine mammals: Whale and dolphin hunting for products such as whale meat and dolphin-safe tuna is damaging to these marine mammals.
  4. Support marine protected areas: MPAs are areas of the ocean that are off-limits to human activities and can serve as nurseries and breeding grounds for marine life. We can support organizations that advocate for the creation of more MPAs.
  5. Support research and citizen science: Citizen scientists collect data and report it to scientists. Data collected by citizens can be used to track the health of the ocean.


An industry that works with bread

  • Baking & Pastry
  • Dough Maker
  • Bakery Clerk
  • Pastry Cook

Industry Roles

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chef
  • Management
  • Project Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Operations Management
  • Architect
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Finacial Analyst