Eye Dissection

Hi, my name is Shaheen and today I’m sharing my work with you. I hope you find it helpful and informative. I enjoy blogging and your feedback is valuable to me. Thank you for taking the time to read my work.

Aim: To learn how eyes work by dissecting a cow’s eye.


The main 7 parts of the eye are the cornea, Pupil, Iris, Lens, Retina, Optic Nerve, and Humorous.

The cornea is the protective covering over the eye, it helps to keep the eye moist and stops dust and other things getting in.

The pupil is the hole in the eye for light to pass through.

The iris is the coloured part around the pupil. This controls the size of the pupil, by muscles making the iris contract or relax to make the hole bigger or smaller.

The lens is used to refract the light that enters the eye. It focuses the light towards the retina at the back of the eye.

The retina is the inner surface of the eye, it converts the light that enters the eye into electrical impulses.

The optic nerve is at the back of the eye. It takes the electrical impulses from the retina to the brain to be interpreted as images.

The vitreous humour is the fluid part inside the eye. This gives the eyeball shape.

Here is a video


  1. Gather materials and put on gloves, aprons, goggles, and masks. …
  2. Locate the fat and muscle around the eye. …
  3. Locate the cornea on the front of the eye. …
  4. Locate the sclera, another protective layer. …
  5. Locate the iris right behind the cornea. …
  6. Remove the hard lens from the rest of the eye.



  1. Why is the back of the eye reflective? In what other animals is it reflective?
  2. The lens of the eye is concave/convex (choose the correct answer). This means it will make light cross over / diverge (choose the correct answer). 
  3. The optic nerve is where the retina turns into a nerve to connect to the brain. Do this blind spot activity. Why does the spot disappear?
  4.  Answer these True/False questions:
    1. Our eyes see an object because it sees the light that bounces (reflects) off the object. True or False.
    2. Our eye does all the work when seeing things. True or False.
    3. The image the eye sends to the brain is exactly how we see it in real life. True or False.
  5. What does the brain have to do with the image sent from the eye?
  6. What is the difference between Rods and Cones in the retina?
  7. Link to a YouTube video about how eyes see colour. 
  8. What colour does not have a wavelength? (hint)


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