Wind Racers – 2024

Wind racers 2024


Build a wind racer


Wooden trolley



Plastic Bag



  1. Place the bamboo stick inside the little hole on the bottom of the wooden trolley
  2. Grab a plastic bag and brainstorm ideas of how you can add the bag to make it effective
  3. Place the bag around the wooden trolley as if you are making wings
  4. Grab some tape to hold it together, and make sure to tape the key parts of the structure so it doesn’t break so easily.
  5. If you want to add some finishing touches like designs on it go for it, make it look very outstanding and creative.


I wasn’t here on the day we launched our wind racer but I got the results of it.

Distance travelled (m) Time taken (s) Speed calculation (ms-1)
7M 5.4s 1.2963



We could’ve done better but it was more of the time we were given, we didn’t consume the time wisely and I’m going to be honest we kinda talked half of the time.

What could we do next time? I guess we could try to stay focused and finish our work on time, having no excuses is better than having excuses.


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