Category: Hanga | Create

Wind Racers – 2024

Wind racers 2024


Build a wind racer


Wooden trolley



Plastic Bag



  1. Place the bamboo stick inside the little hole on the bottom of the wooden trolley
  2. Grab a plastic bag and brainstorm ideas of how you can add the bag to make it effective
  3. Place the bag around the wooden trolley as if you are making wings
  4. Grab some tape to hold it together, and make sure to tape the key parts of the structure so it doesn’t break so easily.
  5. If you want to add some finishing touches like designs on it go for it, make it look very outstanding and creative.


I wasn’t here on the day we launched our wind racer but I got the results of it.

Distance travelled (m) Time taken (s) Speed calculation (ms-1)
7M 5.4s 1.2963



We could’ve done better but it was more of the time we were given, we didn’t consume the time wisely and I’m going to be honest we kinda talked half of the time.

What could we do next time? I guess we could try to stay focused and finish our work on time, having no excuses is better than having excuses.


Camp Review

Wednesday last week we went to Boyle River Camp, Not gonna lie there was a big lack of sleep for me as the excitement was in my body the whole night. I woke up at 6:00 AM and got my clothes ready for the day, thankfully I packed several jackets cause the weather was outrageous. The camp was extremely cold nonetheless the cabins were warm. The orientation was decently fun, I mostly enjoyed the hiking as it was a great exercise. Would I go there again? No, I’d never go there again no offence. It was extremely cold, and my hands were extremely numb.
It was a great memory to cherish in the future but I slightly enjoyed being there.

Egg parachute experiment – legend


Create more wind resistance to slow the speed of an object.


The size of the parachute makes a huge difference to the speed.


  1. Plan your parachute.
  2. Draw an example of it on a paper.
  3. Begin by grabbing parts for your parachute.
  4. Start by putting it together.
  5. Add extra protection around the base of the egg so it has a survival chance.
  6. Put an egg inside the base
  7. Let it rip and see if it survives.


Our egg did actually break. We should’ve added more protection to the base, but overall it was a fun experience.

Our time was 1.27 seconds which was the second highest.


Some eggs fell down slower and faster, It all mattered about the mass, forces, weights, and air resistance.

Balanced forces are basically forces equal to their magnitude and opposite in their direction.

Unbalanced forces are forces that are applied in one direction which is greater than the force applied to it in the opposite direction.


Honestly, I felt like adding a bigger paper bag would’ve made it slower as it would contract more air.



Health RSE Unit Work Shaheen Feroz

Relationships and Sexuality Unit Work


All the answers are according to Google.


Bodypart – Male Function
Bladder organ that acts as a reservoir for urine
Urethra The tube through which urine leaves the body
Penis the male genital organ of higher vertebrates, carrying the duct for the transfer of sperm during copulation. In humans and most other mammals, it consists largely of erectile tissue and is used also for urination.
Seminal vesicle two small glands that store and produce the majority of the fluid that makes up semen.
Prostate gland a small, rubbery gland about the size of a ping-pong ball, located deep inside the groin, between the base of the penis and the rectum.
Vas deferens the oiled tube that carries the sperm out of the testes.
Epididymis a series of small tubes that collect and store sperm.
Testicle One of two egg-shaped glands inside the scrotum that produce sperm and male hormones.
Bodypart – Female Function
Clitoris Experience sexual pleasure.
Urethra Urine passes out of the body.
Vaginal Opening Birth, Period blood flows.
Labia Majora Protects the other external genital organs.
Labia Minora Protects Urethra and the vagina.


Vulva Menstruate, give birth, pee, and experience sexual pleasure.
Endometrium The inner epithelial layer.
Fallopian Tube Channels for oocyte transport and fertilisation.
Ovary Eggs form, Female hormones estrogen, and progesterone are made,


Uterus Menstrual cycle.
Cervix Allows fluids to flow inside and out of your uterus.
Vagina Provides a passageway for the blood and mucosal tissue.

May 15, 2024


Is it that time of year when you’re having periods? Well, I will be listing essential products that will help you during this time.


Introducing Bamboo Cloth, it may seem weird by its name but I can guarantee you for it’s price it’s 100% worth the purchase price. This is a women’s Hygiene Sanitary Towels Pads Postpartum Nursing Pads.


Advantages: It is cyclic and washable, which can greatly improve the garbage, created by disposable pads, and it’s more economical & environmentally friendly.

Features: The snap buttons on the side of the pads which are called “Side Wings” are really easy to open and close, they’re also convenient to carry.

Fun Fact: The year 1896 was the year of the invention of the period pads, founder Johnson & Johnson released the first pads known as “Sanitary Napkins” for ladies which were the first disposable & commercially sold sanitary pads. They were made using cotton & gauze

They are very suitable for travel, outdoor, exercise, or daily use.

This reusable pad has a rating of satisfied customers 5.0 and the price of these reusable pads is NZ$4.24-NZ$3.31.

If you would like to purchase this product, here is the following link to help you order this product


Freedom Fighters

15 March 2019 & 7 October
The Genocide of the Palestinian people was caused by Israel.

In the year of 1948, an event occurred, that left a mark forever in the lives of the Palestinians. This was the year when the Palestinians had their land forcefully taken from them and were forced to leave their land, In the hands of the Israelis, who displaced 800,000 Palestinians from their home. A land where the Isreals were welcomed in to find shelter, that they then soon stole. Palestine is a peaceful country that allows all ethnicities and religions to live in harmony and peace. As the years progressed, Isreal took more and more of the Palestinian land as their own significantly in the year 1967 seizing control over the Palestinians and Building the country “Isreal” This war has been going on for nearly a century and Israel still will not give Palestine the rights they took of them in 1967.

2023, people are supporting child killers and say they’re innocent, what about the thousands of kids dying, what about the children’s parents dying but everyone still supports Israel?
This shows us how cruel our world is and why everyone is getting brainwashed.

15th March 2019
This is the year 51 Muslims were killed. This was in 2 mosques in Christchurch Al-nur and Linwood mosque
My father was a victim and was shot 3 times in the back, and to this day im thanking Allah swt for saving my dad and letting him live. That day I cried and cried myself to sleep that is the day I felt like my life was over.

Months later I researched the mosque shooter Terrorist his name was Brenton Tarrant who lived in Australia and was a Jewish/white supremacist man. And this is what Jewish people are doing to Muslim people to people who let them in a country so they can be safe
Palestine gave them shelter, food, and clothes and they paid us back by harming us occupying our countries, and taking our parents away and this is what you call a Jew.

Here is a geographic of the war & geography of the New Zealand al Noor mosque

Just seeing these pictures makes me emotional looking at the mothers crying cause their kids are dying, and yet we have many people supporting Israel a country that gets all their sources from the United States, and the United Kingdom.

I’m hoping for the best for this world’s future and for Palestine to fight their way to victory.


From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Muhammad(ﷺ) was an Arab religious leader who founded Islam.

He was a prophet who preached and confirmed the monotheistic teachings of Adam(ﷺ), Abraham(ﷺ), Moses(ﷺ), and other prophets. Muslims from all walks of life look up to him as an example to follow. Besides the holy Qur’an”, the sayings of the Prophet (hadith) and descriptions of his way of life (sunnah) are the most important Muslim texts. It’s pretty cool that Muhammad was successful in both the religious and secular realms, being responsible for both the foundations of Islam as well as the Early Muslim conquests uniting the Arabian Peninsula and eventually a wider caliphate after his death.


In the heavens, Allah (SWT) informed his angels that He had decided to place the first ruler on earth who would reside from generation to generation. The angels were not too pleased with Allah’s (swt) announcement as they were aware that the jinns who existed on earth previously had corrupted the land and caused ample bloodshed. Allah (swt) made the first man using a handful of clay gathered from various parts of the earth and made him in his image. different types of clay that were used for the creation of the first man, the children of Adam (pbuh) are diverse in their complexions and other physical characteristics.

Adam(ﷺ) was significant as played a big role in ruling the world,

Hey there! This semester in class, we’re studying about freedom fighters and why they’re so important. We’ve already learned about Nelson Mandela, who’s a pretty big deal in the black community. Our teacher has been showing us some cool slides with all the information we need to know. I think we’re supposed to learn about four different freedom fighters in total, but right now I only know about Nelson Mandela and Gandhi. I’m excited to learn more and update my blog with new information. I’m also looking forward to showing my teacher my work every week so she can give me feedback and help me out if I need it.

Name: Mahatma Gandhi

Born: 2 October 1869

Place Of Birth: Porbandar, India

Job: His job was to fight for Independence for his country India.

Belief/Faith: He was a born and raised Hindu, but decided to make his own interpretation of Hinduism.

He was fighting for independence in India when the United Kingdom colonized them, they took over the administration to establish their own territory known as the British Raj.

He wanted India to gain their peace back by preaching day and night & His non-violent resistance helped end British rule in India and has influenced modern civil disobedience movements across the globe.

Why was Mahatma Gandhi a freedom fighter you may ask? He wanted to fight for equality…………………

The Salt March

The Salt March was a protest (nonviolent) led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 against British rule in India. The march was against the salt tax and was a campaign of disobedience that ended in 1931. Gandhi and his followers march to Dandi, breaking the law by producing salt. Thousands were arrested and imprisoned, and the satyagraha campaign ended in the Irwin pact in 1931.

Here are some images to give you more of an understanding if you didn’t understand.





Primary & Secondary Sources


Primary Sources:



Original Publisher,


First Hand,



Secondary Sources:






Journal Articles,



Primary sources are original sets of work or the first people who get information and publish it. Examples of primary sources include diaries, original publishers, interviews, first-hand, courts, and newspapers.

Secondary sources are second-hand information used by someone who finds it on a website or from another source. Examples of secondary sources include Wikipedia, Google, Discord, Newspaper Articles, Journal Articles, and Textbooks.

I hope this explanation defines the differences between primary and secondary sources. Let me know if you have any questions.

Link to Slide:

Boycott of South Africa

In 1960 a tragic genocide began in South Africa which took the lives of 69 people, and many critically injured. You may ask why did this sad event take place? well, this took place during a demonstration against anti-black pass laws.  Approximately 7,000 black protesters went to the police station to show their melancholy.


27 March 1960 a protest began against the massacre of the 69 unarmed South Africans at Sharpville. This march was a way to grab attention and boycott South African products. This march was also against apartheid laws, including the pass system.


1980s in South Africa, people gradually started to use posters as a way to express their feelings or opinions. Making posters became a big tool of communication and to visualize the expression of anger against the oppression of apartheid.





Boycott South African Goods



In 1960 a tragic genocide began in South Africa which took the lives of 69 people, and many critically injured 1980s in South Africa, people gradually started to use posters as a way to express their feelings or opinions.


1948 – 1994 South Africa was the…..


1960 in South Africa. (2022, August 29). In Wikipedia.





Zombie Blog

Aim: We did this activity to show what DNA traits — from parents can do to a living creature such as a zombie.




Gene — the basic physical and functional unit of heredity.

Allele — the word that we use to describe the alternative form or versions of a gene

Genotype — the genetic makeup of an organism

Phenotype — an individual’s observable traits, such as height, eye colour and blood type.



Goals (2024)

Hey everyone! This year, I have set some goals for myself that I am excited to achieve. Firstly, I want to become more efficient with my work so that I can finish it on time and avoid having to do it at home. Of course, if necessary, I will still complete it at home, but I will try my best to manage my time effectively.

Secondly, I want to try new things and explore my interests. I plan on participating in different sports, clubs, and activities to improve my skills and gain experience. This way, if I ever choose to teach in the future, I will have a diverse resume to showcase my abilities and talents.

This term has been pretty relaxed, but it has also been quite complicated with the classes. We have gone back from period 6 to period 5. However, things are going well, and since we still have a whole year ahead of us, let’s hope for the best and make sure to get our work done, Inshallah.

Hauora Blog

I did not participate in the activity, but I can describe it as a fun way to settle in and engage with new people. The game played was called Hoops, where the objective was to jump onto the hoop, move to the left, then to the right, and finally jump forward. 


Another game we played was called Human Knot, where a group of 6-4 people is stuck in a knot and has to try to untangle themselves before the other group does. It’s a competitive game that can affect both mental and physical health. The activities affected Taha Hinengaro (Mental Health) and Taha Tinana (Physical Health) positively. Physically, it’s a great way to get out of your comfort zone, use your energy and strength, and engage with different people. Mentally, it’s an opportunity to take a break, energize yourself, and socialize with others. Fairness and inclusiveness may be an issue during the games, but you have to be proactive and make yourself feel included. Don’t just sit and wait for things to happen; take action and participate. For instance, in playing Hoops and Human Knot, you need to put yourself out there if you want to have fun. If you’re worried about being judged or criticized, remember that at the end of the day, you’re physically improving yourself and mentally preparing yourself.

Although I didn’t participate in the Human Knot game, I should have. However, sometimes it’s not possible due to personal reasons, such as not wanting to hold hands with people who may have germs on their hands.

Here are some reasons why I didn’t participate in the activities given by our wonderful teacher Mrs. O Regan.

First and foremost I genuinely don’t like playing in activities that include music, as I’m restricted from listening to music from my religion, If you see me wearing headphones during social studies I’m most likely listening to the Quran, or Nasheed which is  a song without musical instruments with lyrics that resemble hymns that praise God (Allah)

Second, It’s not something that I would love to involve myself in, If I were to involve myself it probably would be something that includes lots of running, something that would at least make me shed one singular sweat.

Third, When it comes to participating in activities, I always try to be considerate of others and not come across as rude. However, if there’s something I don’t feel comfortable doing, I tend to stay quiet until a teacher or teacher aid like (Rachel) approaches me.

What we did for today’s health lesson.

I wanted to share something interesting with you. Recently, during a period of good health, I participated in a drawing challenge that was quite mindful and relaxing. Drawing has always been a favourite pastime of mine, as it helps me release stress and clear my mind, leaving me feeling calm and peaceful. Have you ever tried drawing as a way to unwind?


In our class, we had this game where we were supposed to pair up with someone and pick a random piece of paper from the table. The catch was that we couldn’t show our partner the paper, we had to describe it to them. I ended up playing this game with my teacher, Mrs O’Regan, and it was quite a fun experience.


This assignment affected my Taha Hinengaro, It made me mentally focus but I was a bit distracted from Connor’s blasting YouTube video which kinda made everything hard for me but I still managed to get everything done.


In my personal opinion, I don’t think discrimination played any part in this activity. Rather, the activity seemed to focus on active participation and doing your best. To be completely honest, I’m not very skilled at drawing, so even if I put in my best effort, my drawing may not look great.

I felt great involving myself and in general participating, and the most understandable reason is that I rarely get a chance to have mindfulness besides Wanaga where we do well being time.


Long Jump: 4.44

12 Minute Run: 8 laps

200 meters U14-15



100 meters

10:50 AM


400 meters

10:30 AM

U15 High Jump

11:30 AM

U15 800 meters

8:40 AM 8:30 AM

Business studies

Whenua Iti Outdoors – LEGEND


Tell me what each product sells, and paste a link to their website. 


Karma Drinks sells fizzy drinks.Karma Drinks was born from an idea on Piha Beach in New Zealand, where three friends first thought of making a cola called Karma. The word ‘karma’ came from an idea they had about forming a company to find ingredients that were good for the land, good for the people who grow them and good for the people who consume them.
Ecostore sells homecare products.

We make it easy to choose safer, effective products to care for your family’s home and health – made with respect for the environment. What’s important to you matters to us too. 

Zespri sells kiwifruit.

Zespri Kiwifruit, including our organic varieties, is one of nature’s healthiest foods, brimming with goodness and sourced from rich soils.

With our passionate commitment to the Zespri System, we put the utmost care into the land to get the best quality out of it.

Zespri makes your health irresistible!


Finding the definitions


Google the definitions of the following words. Write the definition in your own words


Good  When talking about business goods, we’re referring to the products or commodities that customers buy.
service   There’s this thing called a process that helps people out by making some cool changes happen. It can be changes to their stuff, like physical possessions, or even changes to their ideas and thoughts, which are intangible assets. It’s all about creating benefits for people.


Now give 3 examples of each. 


Good  1 Product

2 Stocks that you can turn into goods.

3 merchandise

Service  1 Assistance

2 Doing your job

3 Helping others.


Write a paragraph of 6-8 sentences about Whenua Iti outdoors, answering some of the following questions. You do not have to answer them all. 


  1. What is Whenua Iti Outdoors about? It’s about outdoor activities.
  2. What is their mission statement on their website? It is our mission to achieve positive change in individuals and communities
  3. What fun outdoor activities do Whenua Iti Outdoors offer? Kayaking, rock climbing, camping, Hiking, etc.
  4. Are Whenua Iti Outdoors’ programs open to everyone? Yes, it’s open to anyone.
  5. How does Whenua Iti Outdoors fund its programs and operations? Partnerships and promotions.


Have you heard of Whenua Iti? It’s an outdoor program that offers a variety of fun sports and activities such as mountain biking, rock climbing, camping, hiking, and more. What’s great about this program is that it allows people to explore their potential and discover what they could do as a career. Trying out new activities can be an enjoyable experience and could help in learning new things. I am very interested in their camping program and would love to take my family there someday. Whenua Iti is funded through partnerships and promotions.