Tag: Maths

Why does recycling come 4th on the list?

Recycling has increasingly become more popular and accepted over the years, but it’s important to note that it’s still the least beneficial option compared to the top three strategies for reducing waste: reduce, reuse, and compost.

Reduction is the most beneficial strategy as it involves finding ways to reduce the quantity of waste that’s generated to begin with, often by reducing consumption and finding alternatives to disposable products.

Reuse involves finding ways to reuse and re-assign pre-existing products to new uses. This can prevent the creation of new garbage and prolong the life of materials.

Composting is the process of breaking down organic waste to create a beneficial soil amendment. This can divert organic waste from landfills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding the use of harmful fertilizers.

In contrast, recycling involves collecting and processing recyclable materials to create new products. While this prevents waste from being sent to landfills or incinerators, it’s also an energy-intensive process that can use more resources than it saves.

While recycling is still an important strategy for reducing waste, it’s important to prioritize the other strategies first. By reducing consumption, reusing existing products, and composting organic waste, we can make a significant impact on the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and reduce the need for recycling in the first place.

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